Another pike season is upon us but there were some notable catches during the summer months. New members Alan Simpson and Paul Barrass both caught thier first fish setting a benchmark for the coming season and Paul Proctor upped his P.B to 13lb 8ozs. A bela
ted congratulations must go to Stuart Fairclough, our new club champion who brought an end to the reign of Dave Gardner. Well done lads. Let's hope we see your faces on here in coming months. Let's hope that we see a bit more of Mr. Greally junior. Young Aaron looks as though he is following in his dads footsteps seen in this photo to be catching a decent livebait. It would be nice to have a few more junior members at the club to give Luke a bit of competition. Get him joined up Dave. Start them young and be prepared to be put in the shade. Good luck to all members and may your lines be tight.