Hi Folks. Well here we go go again. Another pike season upon us. I'm sure like myself you can't wait to kickstart another year of trials and tribulations. While looking forward to the new season, I couldn't help but look back over the summer months and found myself wondering how other members had kept themselves amused. I bought myself a set of golf clubs but after months of practice still can't cast them. It would appear though that others (especially the younger members) have had a fair bit of success in catching anything scaley while some of us have had to be a little more patient for our rewards. Dave Gardner even travelled over to Thailand in search of exotic beauties but changed his mind when he got there and went fishing instead.
So to everyone. I hope you enjoyed your summer break but now the serious stuff begins again. I hope we can see as many of you as possible on the banks of river, lake, loch or canal. Good luck and may all yor lines be tight.
Finally I'm sure everyone will join me in wishing Simon Fairclough a speedy recovery from his illness. Get well soon mate and hope to see you out and about again soon.