South East Northumberland Pike Anglers Club (SENPAC)wish to record their thanks to Neil Baker who for many years has shared the role of Regional Organiser (RO) with region founder Mike Bell. Amongst other responsibilities Neil looked after our Blog. Recently he has decided that he had to retire from the position of RO and that mantle has passed to Bruce Turnbull and with it the very steep learning curve necessary to get to grips with the Blog. So here we go................January was as usual a very busy month for SENPAC. In addition to the peak season fishing we held our annual presentation of awards and slideshow review of the SENPAC year which seemed to be enjoyed by all members present. Trophy winners this year were; Biggest Fish on a Lure.............Paul Proctor/Biggest Fish on a Club Trip.......Bruce Turnbull/ Junior Angler of the Year.........Aaron Greally/ Club Trip Champion................Bruce Turnbull/ Biggest Fish of the Year.........Dave Greally/ and the principal trophy, that of Pike Angler of the Year, which is decided by the votes of the members was deservedly taken by Dave Greally, who had to put up with what has now become the traditional p**s take, celebrated on the front cover of our February Newsletter.

As for the January fishing, well, SENPAC members were out and about on a variety of waters and a few fish were being reported, however highlight of the month came on our club trip to a Lincolnshire drain and it was that man Dave Greally again who showed us all how to do it. This time with a fine fish of 20lb-3oz.
Dave Greally.........down the drain? |
Looking forward to February,we are staying a little closer to home for our club trip on the 23rd February, we are going to a water which just prior to Christmas produced a red-letter day for two of SENPAC's finest with Pat Hamilton and Paul Proctor sharing a day of 13 fish. Doesn't happen very often that, in my experience, be nice if it happened again for our visit!