A SENPAC March is usually all about the really serious
Pikers amongst our number and their end of season efforts to locate those big
fish which are the ultimate prize, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
that we hanker after. However, this SENPAC March we have had to endure a
massive reality check when many of our members found out that they had to come
to terms with the news of the sudden and premature passing of a friend and
fellow Piking enthusiast Shane Patterson.
Those of us at SENPAC that have come
to know Shane over the years have, enjoyed his company, reflected in his
enthusiasm, admired his total commitment to the PAC and more recently the
Angling Trust and applauded his charitable works. Someone said that only the
good die young and cliché or not that is most certainly the case where Shane is
SENPAC RO Mike Bell provided a moving tribute to his long
term friend and fellow PAC RO of the Teeside and Darlington Region for
inclusion in our April Newsletter, the sentiments of which were undoubtedly
shared by all at SENPAC. A very sad day.
Of the Piking last month well, nothing much to celebrate I’m
afraid. Four of our number represented SENPAC on the PAC Lake of Menteith visit
and all found the going a little tough. Bruce Turnbull managed a couple of
jacks, Mike Bell and Dave Gardner one each, Dennis Fearon failed to find a
fish. Dave however did have a busy day with the lure gear attracting large
rainbow trout after large rainbow trout, we stopped counting at eleven! This
was another Menteith event where the overall results followed what has now
become a recognisable pattern, hundreds of small fish with a very modest number
of upper doubles and twenties. The Pike stock profile has undoubtedly changed
over recent years. Still a great day out though with good friends.
Best SENPAC fish of the month went to Bruce Turnbull with a
nice 17lb fish from north of the border however the main highlight of the month
was the concluding event of the season for the SENPAC Club Trip Championship.
Seven region members took part and fourteen fish were caught which by recent
standards was an outstanding result. A virtuoso performance on the day by Paul
Proctor saw him take the championship with the eventual winner of the Biggest
Fish trophy being Peter Armstrong. I think the general view amongst the SENPAC
regulars was that this final event was by far the most enjoyable of the season
both from a social and fishing point of view. The season more generally has not
been the most productive and I guess we will spend the Summer club meetings
chewing over what we should do next season to try and improve on our results.
And speaking of the Summer, plans are coming together for
our Summer League matches with a draft list of dates and venues published in
the latest Newsletter as we begin to look forward to returning to the
commercials and some of us renew the struggle of tying size 16’s to invisible
rigs and the annual pole versus waggler debate begins all over again.
Our April meeting will take place on Tuesday 28th
at the Northumbrian Piper as usual.