Monday, 12 October 2015

September 2015 - Best Of Luck For The New Season Guys

Having started last month's blog with an apology, this month a double apology. It's late again and it's brief, in the main that is because we have all been out fishing as the new piking season got under-way.

Best of luck for the new season was the principal message in the Region's September newsletter and as the fishing reports began to arrive at our editor's desk it appears that a number of our members have got off to a reasonable start with their fishing. No monsters reported as yet but a number of good doubles for some and good numbers of smaller fish for others. It would be premature in the extreme to try to start and predict how the season will develop but a promising start none-the-less.

Our first Region outing is imminent as I write this, when we are off to bonny Scotland to visit a remote water which enjoys a very exposed and elevated location so I guess all concerned will have an eye on the weather forecast when it comes to packing their fishing wardrobe for the trip. Over the years that we have fished this water we have had everything from tropical sunshine to tropical monsoon conditions, so careful sartorial consideration will no doubt be given to what goes into the car boot.

So, like I said at the start, brief ! Hopefully next month's missive will be more extensive and on time? If you want to know more and live in the north-east of England why not consider calling in to see us at our next Region meeting. Tuesday 27th October 2015 at the Northumbrian Piper, Fawdon ( see opposite)

Tight lines and as it says at the top, good luck to all for the new season.