Pictured above four very wet and cold SENPAC members after a day out on the Lake of Menteith. Unfortunately only small Pike caught on the session. Dave Gardner pictured left caught an estimated 18lb fish that escaped being photographed as the mesh in the net had deteriorated and the inevitable happened.
Bruce Turnbull had a return visit to the highlands of Scotland during November and found that some water levels were rather low. He also came to the rescue of a little jack Pike that had been trapped in a very small puddle. The fish was rescued and released into a larger area of water.
The trip proved worthwhile.
and for the wildlife as well.
This month we will save the best to the last. Pictured below a very happy Jason who captured this stunning Stripey whilst fishing in Spain. Weighing in at 5lbs 2 ozs and 50cm in length its a real belter.
Hopefully some more large fish to report next month as we head into the new year. In the meantime we wish all our readers and their families around the world a very Merry Christmas from all at SENPAC.