The dawn of a new year and with it the club's 21st birthday. The region was started by Mark Houghton on the 25th January 1996. Those twenty one years have flown by but many members past and present have had the joy of catching a very large Pike. Pride of place must go to Lyn Baker for her Lake of Menteith fish that weighed just under 40lbs. Other members have achieved that magical thirty pounder whilst on their travels. So what will 2017 bring. Hopefully some more big fish for our members. One of the highlights of January was the club's annual review and presentation evening which included The Story So Far, which was a leaf through the region's Piking photograph album and Piking diaries of the last fifteen years and beyond in one or two cases.
January proved to be a quiet month for the region fishing wise with only a couple of double figure fish being reported.
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