Monday, 1 April 2024



                                             Dave With His Blank Saver.

Last month of the SENPAC Pike season brought the final leg of our Winter Pike championship. Going into the final match it was a very close thing with only a few points difference at the top of the table. Dave Greally held a slight lead at the start of the eight hour match. The match took place during the region's Jolly Boys outing. The first two days of the trip proved very gruelling with weather conditions not being favourable due to high water levels, rain and chilly winds. Only a couple of Pike caught on those two days one being Dave's pictured above. The final match took place on the Sunday with eight members present on the bank and many baits in the water. Conditions again not that favourable and once again it was a struggle for most. Six hours into the match and still no fish. Things started to look a little brighter when Bruce Turnbull caught a small Jack and then Mike Bell landed a fish of 12lb 4ozs. That was all the action for the day so the final result in the Pike championship was Dave Greally 1st with 18 points, Jon Tweddle 2nd with 17 points, and joint 3rd Bruce Turnbull and Steve Sandiford on 15 points each. 

                                  Mike - A Tough Day But A Match Winner.

The trip continued for another couple of days and a few fish were caught with Pogo catching the biggest fish on the trip.

                                              Pogo - Last Day Success.

                                              Jon - Worth The Wait.

                                                Andy - Back On Menteith.

                                                Time To Relax.

The region's trophy year ends on the 31st March and this year's winners are as follows. Chris Graham won the Golden Maggot match. Bruce Turnbull won the Summer series of matches. Dave Greally won the Winter Pike championship, and Andy Eland took the biggest Pike on a club trip trophy. It look destined to be a tie for the biggest Pike of the year award between Dave Greally and Ross Greaves both having fish at 26lb 4 ozs but an early March 27lb 6 oz caught by Andy took the silverware. The Pike angler of the year award and the SENPAC cup winner are still to be voted on by the members.

                                      Andy - Late Season Winner.

The region now looks forward to the next few months when we will turn our attention to the other coarse species. The first of our Summer matches will be our Golden Maggot followed closely by our four match Summer series.


And finally we are pleased to announce that our fundraising for Childrens Cancer North appeal is coming to a close. The total raised to date so far amounts to over £9,900.00. The SENPAC FINAL COUNTDOWN FOR CHILDRENS CANCER NORTH night is to be held at West Moor social club in Newcastle on the evening of the 6th April commencing at 7pm. We are expecting a good turnout on the night which will see us break through the £10,000.00 target that we set. An evening which will include an auction, raffle, tombola, live entertainment and much more. The highlight on the evening will be the cheque presentation from the region to Childrens Cancer North.
In closing the region would like to thank all those who have helped us over the last two years. Without all your support, kindness and generosity we would have never achieved our goal.


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